StataCorp Stata MP 16



Services: Installation (Full Version) & Application Error handling Support
Validity: One-Time Payment & Lifetime Access
System OS: Windows 64-bit
Language: English
Support process: PC Remote Access/
TeamViewer/File Download





StataCorp Stata MP 16 Overview:

StataCorp Stata MP 16 is a software program that allows you to perform statistical analysis and data management. It is the fastest and largest edition of Stata, which is a general-purpose statistical software package. Stata MP 16 can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing capabilities of your computer and can analyze up to 20 billion observations and 120,000 variables. Stata MP 16 also has many new features, such as lasso model selection, meta-analysis, choice models, Python integration, Bayes multiple chains, and more.

StataCorp Stata MP 16 Features:

– Bayesian multilevel models: Fit multilevel models with random effects at any level using Bayesian methods. You can also specify prior distributions, compare models, and perform posterior predictive checks.

– Lasso model selection: Use lasso methods to select variables and estimate coefficients for linear, logistic, Poisson, and Cox regression models. You can also perform cross-validation, goodness-of-fit tests, coefficient paths, and knot analysis.

– Meta-analysis: Easily summarize results from multiple studies using fixed-effects, random-effects, or common-effect meta-analysis. You can also display results in a forest plot, analyze subgroups, perform meta-regression, explore small-study effects, evaluate publication bias, and perform a cumulative meta-analysis.

– Choice models: Model choices made by individuals from a set of alternatives using mixed logit, latent class, and multinomial probit models. You can also account for panel data, endogeneity, selection, and treatment effects.

– Python integration: Use any Python package from within Stata, such as matplotlib for 3-D graphs, scrappy for scraping data, or TensorFlow for machine learning.

– Bayes—multiple chains: Multiple Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains in parallel and monitor their convergence using the Gelman–Rubin diagnostic. You can also obtain Bayesian predictions posterior predictive p-values.

Minimum system requirements StataCorp Stata MP 16:

– Operating System: Windows 10/8/7, macOS 11.0 (Big Sur) or newer for Macs with Apple Silicon and macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or newer for Macs with Intel processors, or Linux with GNU C library (glibc) 2.17 or better and libcurl4
– Processor: Intel or AMD (Core i3 equivalent or better) with 64-bit x86-64 architecture
– Memory: 4 GB for Stata/MP, 2 GB for Stata/SE, or 1 GB for Stata/BE¹
– Disk Space: 2 GB of minimum free HDD

You would also like IBM SPSS Statistics 27.

Services Includes:

Software purchase guide, Installation assistant, Software related documentation & files download, Handling application Error, Remote service, Online tech support.

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