Steinberg Cubase Pro 13



Services: Installation (Full Version) & Application Error handling Support
Validity: One-Time Payment & Lifetime Access
System OS: Windows 64-bit
Language: English
Support process: PC Remote Access/
TeamViewer/File Download





Steinberg Cubase Pro 13 Overview:

Steinberg Cubase Pro 13 is a professional digital audio workstation (DAW) widely used for music production, recording, editing, and mixing. Renowned for its comprehensive features and high-quality audio processing, Cubase Pro 13 suits both experienced music producers.

Steinberg Cubase Pro 13 Features:

  • Professional workflow: Cubase Pro 13 offers a streamlined workflow for all stages of music production, from initial ideas to final mixes.
  • Dolby Atmos support: Create immersive audio experiences for Dolby Atmos home entertainment systems.
  • Advanced MIDI editing: Precise tools for editing and manipulating MIDI data for virtual instruments and samplers.
  • Control Room monitoring environment: A dedicated section for managing studio monitor setups, routing, and talkback functions.
  • Pro-plug-in set: Includes a vast collection of high-quality effects processors, virtual instruments, and mixing tools, including the new Spectral Comparison EQ.
  • Automation and Control: Advanced automation editing capabilities with curve tools and editing options. Integrates with hardware controllers for hands-on mixing and editing.

Minimum System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 11, 10
  • Processor (CPU):  Intel Core i5 (4th Generation) or AMD Ryzen
  • RAM: Minimum: 8 GB
  • Storage: 75 GB of free hard disk space for full installation
  • Display: Minimum resolution: 1440 x 900

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Services Includes:

Software purchase guide, Installation assistant, Software related documentation & files download, Handling application Error, Remote service, Online tech support.

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