Trimble Tekla Tedds 2021



Services: Installation (Full Version) & Application Error handling Support
Validity: One-Time Payment & Lifetime Access
System OS: Windows 64-bit
Language: English
Support process: PC Remote Access/
TeamViewer/File Download





Trimble Tekla Tedds 2021 Overview:

Trimble Tekla Tedds 2021 is software that helps engineers automate and simplify their civil and structural calculations. It can also work with other software to support building information modeling (BIM) and multi-material design. It is different aspects of engineering design, such as steel, concrete, timber, wind, and seismic.

Trimble Tekla Tedds 2021 features:

– New and updated calculations: This software includes over 40 new and updated calculations for various design tasks, such as concrete, steel, timber, masonry, wind, and seismic loads.

– Improved integration with Structures: It creates and manage calculation reports directly from Structures, and link calculations to model objects for easy access and traceability.

– Enhanced user interface: A new ribbon-based user interface that makes it easier to find and use the features you need. Customize the ribbon and calculation input and output views to suit your preferences.

– Support for Eurocode 7: The design of foundations and retaining walls according to Eurocode 7, including partial factors, design approaches, and ground models.

Minimum System Requirements:

– CPU: Multi-core Intel i3 Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
– Memory: 2GB
– OS: 32-bit or 64bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 10
– Graphics: 1920 x 1080 resolution, 1GB or higher of dedicated RAM
– Disk space: 1GB or more of free space for installation
– Microsoft Word: 32-bit or 64-bit version of Microsoft Word Office 365, 2021, 2019, 2016 or 2013
– License Service: Tekla Structural License Service 3.2 including Sentinel RMS 9.7

You would also like Foundry MODO 16.

Services Includes:

Software purchase guide, Installation assistant, Software related documentation & files download, Handling application Error, Remote service, Online tech support.

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