Vue R6 with PlantFactory



Services: Installation (Full Version) & Application Error handling Support
Validity: One-Time Payment & Lifetime Access
System OS: Windows 64-bit
Language: English
Support process: PC Remote Access/
TeamViewer/File Download





Vue R6 with PlantFactory Overview:

Vue R6 with PlantFactory is a software for creating and rendering realistic 3D environments and vegetation. It allows you to design and populate natural landscapes, forests, gardens, and other scenes with a variety of plants, trees, rocks, clouds, and other elements. Export your creations to other 3D applications, such as Cinema 4D, Maya, 3DS Max, etc.

Vue R6 with PlantFactory Features:

– USD export: It exports your scenes and objects to the Universal Scene Description format, an Open source standard for exchanging 3D data between different applications.

– Improved integration with Cinema 4D: You can render your scenes Arnold or V-Ray inside Cinema 4D, and convert any object from a Vue scene into a native Cinema 4D object with automatic material generation. The PlantFactory plugin loads procedural plants into Cinema 4D without exporting them first.

– Native Arnold materials: Arnold materials and shaders for your Vue and PlantFactory assets in Maya and 3D Studio Max, and convert easily with integration plugins.

– Leaf clusters: You can create low-polygon plants by converting 3D geometry into textured planes with baked maps. This is useful for real-time applications and games.

– Real-world displacement mapping: It uses real-world units for your displacement maps, which take into account the object’s scaling along each axis. This is helpful for objects with scale variations that use the same material.

– Improved UV unwrapping: Improved algorithms for UV unwrapping in PlantFactory, which produce better results for complex shapes.

– New content items: Access over 300 new content items, including plants, materials, atmospheres, and terrains.

Minimum System Requirements Vue R6 with PlantFactory:

– Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64
– Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 (64-bit)
– Video Card: Supporting 1024 by 768 resolution and 16 bits colors for standard (GDI+) graphics mode
– Memory: 8 GB RAM
– Disk Space: 6 GB to install the software

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Services Includes:

Software purchase guide, Installation assistant, Software related documentation & files download, Handling application Error, Remote service, Online tech support.

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